This website is strictly for Mr. Anthony "the main man" Chua only. NOBODY can visit this site except for Mr. Anthony "the main man" Chua. Paul Santiago is a tiger who i hate so much! i also hate dexter sherwin ramirez and myron patrimonio and also christian alvise!!! but i love to read books and cross stitch when i have time.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

10 Things I Miss In The Philippines

1. Cheap liquor
2. Laughing at plain white walls
3. Having nothing to do and still feel important
4. Using “Denver Words” like “Shumasharma na si Delly sa Forn Oh!”
5. Doing Cartwheels in the office
6. Being the Shiznit for Shizzle in the Dizzey at the Hizzay
7. Talking to someone unimportant about important subjects
8. Telling lies to officemates
9. Actually having time to bum around and say “Liby Liby for the Home is My Shizzy!”
10. Getting drunk anywhere at anytime for only Php 50!