Team Up of the Century...Egg
Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to introduce you to my dear friend Dexter “Asal Kamao” Ramirez a.k.a. Dennis, Delbert, Debbie, Delby, Del, D, Destah. He is nice, cute and this is his picture from Canada where he was an actor for the TV Series “Shooting Scar with Dabilah Thompson” but unfortunately the show was cancelled after 43 hours due to lack of fund. I decided to make him a part of my site because I would like to team up with him to destroy this diabolical fool right here…
Mr. Paul “Panaksak” Santiago. People beware!!!! This person is very dangerous! I once caught him smashing his neighbors’ knee cap using his bald head while shouting “Ping Pong Massacre!!!!” Now, he is threatening to kill my family because of a measly pandesal I ate from his birthday party. He keeps on claiming that that piece of bread has a map inside which will lead him to eternal sunshine. If your eyes set sight on Mr. Paul “Panaksak” Santiago please don’t think twice….KILL HIM!!!!
But the Filipino public should not worry, because Dexter “Asal Kamao” Ramirez and Anthony “Resistensya Builder” Chua will be your saviors in case this flip minded “Panaksak” tries to hurt you. We will form WATCH GUARD 2007 ver.2. With our forces combined, we are unstoppable! We have invented this special move called the “Counter Assassin Split Decision Attack” that will surely stop all evil deeds.
WATCH GUARD 2007 ver.2
Tel no. 0919.2432663
From days of long ago, from the outer reaches of the galaxy, comes a legend. The legend of Voltron, Defender of the Universe. Loved by good. Feared by evil.
1:48 AM
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